
2016…What Next?

Well, it’s that time again. The final month, the last weeks of 2015. As we scramble around to manage last minute plans with friends and family, and splurge on holiday gifts for loved ones (or ourselves, admit it!), it’s easy to lose sight on the goals we’ve had for the past year. But once all the festivities are over and January 1st dawns, we will step into the new year with a list of hopeful resolutions–and for many of us, at the top of that list is the goal of landing a new and better job.

As 2016 approaches, I find myself in the same boat as many of my clients: ready for a change. I love helping people pursue their dreams and probably won’t be stopping any time soon, but even so, the question of “what happens next” is looming over my head.

Going after a new job is frankly terrifying, especially when you’re not even sure what you want to do. Like my fellow millennials, the future of my career is murky at best. With the job market constantly changing, the path of the professional writer is in constant flux. Where once it was possible to gain permanent employment with publishing houses or newspapers or marketing firms, now much of the work has shifted to the competitive realm of freelance. In some ways it’s ideal–freelance work allows you to set your own pace, choose your own projects, and of course as everyone loves to point out when they hear what I do for a living: spend all day in your pajamas. But it’s not all rainbows and comfy flannel.

Between getting passed over for jobs due to lack of experience, and facing the overwhelming burden of self-employment tax, being a full time freelancer has some major downsides. The independence is wonderful, especially for those who dislike being forced into a schedule. But when the work is slow and the options limited (who really wants to spend their time writing technical manuals or developing advertising copy for athletic equipment?) the world of stable employment starts looking real nice.

Thus far I’ve primarily received offers from insurance companies to become a sales person, and encouraged to purchase a resume makeover from the very same company I’ve worked with for nearly three years.

But I’m not giving up hope.

Somewhere out there is the perfect opportunity for an eccentric English major who loves kids’ cartoons, Swedish mystery books, and coffee.


So as we step blindly into the new year, clutching tight to our list of resolutions we probably won’t keep, and trying not to think too hard about the moths flying out of our empty wallets, let’s think positively. After all, anything can happen. Just like every year, 2016 will no doubt bring as many challenges and tragedies as it will bring opportunities and accomplishments.

What’s most important, is that we own every minute of it. Instead of setting unattainable goals, focus on the idea of self-empowerment. Find your confidence, ignore the critics, and acknowledge your personal triumphs, no matter how big or small. Embrace your inner badass–the rest will follow.

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